Developments in Genetic Prediction of Carcase Merit in Limousin Beef Cattle in the UK

Tuesday, August 19, 2014: 4:00 PM
Bayshore Grand Ballroom B-C (The Westin Bayshore)
Kirsty Moore , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Tracey Pritchard , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Samantha Wilkinson , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Raphael Mrode , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Fern Pearston , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Karolina Kaseja , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Eileen Wall , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Mike P Coffey , SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Abstract Text: Genetic evaluation of carcase traits in the UK are currently undertaken for the pedigree sector using proxy traits on live animals. Two research projects are currently underway which will result in breeding values being available for actual carcase measures from cross bred commercial animals. Carcase weight, EUROP conformation and fat class and in some cases individual primal cut yields are available for all animals slaughtered from several abattoirs since approximately 2001. Using actual abattoir data from commercial animals represents a shift in how carcase traits are evaluated and provides opportunities to produce clearer market signals across the UK beef supply chain. As a result of clearer market signals the pedigree sector will better be able to identify the needs of their commercial customers and more importantly will have the tools to be able to breed directly for the traits important to their commercial customers.


beef carcase traits

genetic evaluations