Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR): the Next Decade

Monday, August 18, 2014: 11:30 AM
Bayshore Grand Ballroom E-F (The Westin Bayshore)
Samuel R Paiva , Embrapa - Labex - Secretariat International Affairs, Brasilia, Brazil
Concepta M. Pimentel , Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Harvey D. Blackburn , USDA-ARS-National Animal Germplasm Program, Fort Collins, CO
Abstract Text: After 20 years, progress has been made in conserving AnGR; but how it will be in ten years? Viewing gene banks and in situ conservation in the context of food security, climate change, and product demand suggest a more efficient use of these practices to support sustainable production. Gene banks should become be more dynamic, incorporate different biological materials and increase collection use.  Accomphishments were obtained in situ approaches but gaps are substantial and it is costly. For cost effective conservation gene banks should be leveraged by in situ programs; this will require emphasis to be placed upon database development and accessibility. With effective databases in place it will be possible to better integrate these two conservation avenues and address future sectorial issues.

Keywords: Genetic conservation, Ex situ, In situ