A Co-association Network Analysis of the Genetic Determination of Pig Growth and Shape

Friday, August 22, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Anna Ms Puig Oliveras , Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract Text: Growth and carcass conformation are economically relevant traits in the pork meat industry, affecting the proportions of different commercial cuts. Over 598 QTLs for growth-related traits have been identified in pigs underpinning the complex genetic architecture of these traits. Gene-by-gene approaches are limited when analyzing complex traits involving different genes with small effects. Here, a network based methodology, named Association Weight Matrix, was applied to study gene interactions and pathways that may affect growth and shape. The co-association network analysis suggested three transcription factors PPARγ, ELF1 and PRDM16 playing a key role in determining growth and conformation related traits.  As a result of functional analysis, lipid metabolism was found to be among the most important pathways influencing these traits. This work provides insights about the identification of key regulators and new interactions among genes which may be important for determining animal shape and growth.



