Comparison of Linkage Disequilibrium Uncovered by Moderate and High Density Arrays in Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle and in White Leghorn Layer Chickens
Comparison of Linkage Disequilibrium Uncovered by Moderate and High Density Arrays in Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle and in White Leghorn Layer Chickens
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: GWAS requires high LD between QTN and adjacent markers. GWS requires much lower LD between the multiple QTN affecting breeding value and multiple linked markers, not necessarily adjacent. To determine usefulness of currently available bovine and chicken arrays for these purposes, LD in Brown Swiss dairy cattle and White Leghorn chickens was analyzed with moderate (50K, 41K) and high (777K, 600K) density bovine and chicken arrays. For WGS, moderate density arrays were. For WGAS, high density arrays are not yet fully adequate for cattle, but were so for chicken. A 2M array should improve matters in cattle. In both populations there appears to be an irreducible 25% of the genome that does not reach high levels of LD between adjacent markers. Accessing this portion of the genome for WGAS will require working at the DNA sequence level.
SNP arrays
Linkage disequilibrium
White Leghorn
Brown Swiss