Selection for Economic Feed Conversion Efficiency of Dairy Cattle under Co-operative Dairy Conditions in the North of Argentina
Selection for Economic Feed Conversion Efficiency of Dairy Cattle under Co-operative Dairy Conditions in the North of Argentina
Friday, August 22, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text:
A group of co-operative dairy farmers from the north of Argentina started a breeding program for the genetic improvement of their cows in 2005. The breeding goal was to improve the genetic ability of the cow to convert dry matter (DM) into farm profit. The cows predominantly graze alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) all year and are under high heat stress during summer. The selection scheme is based on a nucleus herd of bull mothers selected on an economic selection index that estimates the genetic superiority of a cow for farm profit per tonne of DM. The genetic superiority of the nucleus herd cows compared to the population cows was $AR60/ton DM.
dairy cattle
economic feed conversion efficiency
heat stress