Pig Breeding Goals in Competitive Markets

Tuesday, August 19, 2014: 4:00 PM
Stanley Park Ballroom (The Westin Bayshore)
Pieter W Knap , Genus-PIC, Schleswig, Germany
Abstract Text:

Weighting factors (b) derive from marginal economic values (MEVs), which derive from cost/performance parameters. Sensible approach: start with b=MEV, and evaluate trait responses. These may disappoint, usually resolved by modifying b towards acceptable patterns. This reduces overall DG, but has sound reasons: overfocus on the population's weak traits (countering non-compensatory customer attitudes), and/or neutralize genetic trait antagonisms. Breeding goal traits separate as (1) classical: growth/backfat depth; (2) high-tech: litter size/feed intake; (3) antagonistic: mortality; (4) novel: boartaint; (5) prospective: meat quality; (6) vague-MEV: leg soundness/muscling. Monopolistic markets support unconventional breeding goals. Companies competing on particular markets may have different breeding goals due to (i) different antagonisms to neutralize, (ii) different weaknesses to compensate, (iii) creative deviations from the mainstream cost-benefit approach. Trait groups 4 and 5 will become more important in relation to animal welfare and pollution. G×E does not affect breeding goals much.

Keywords: pig, breeding goal.