Genetic Sensitivity to Pathogenesis: Response to E. maxima Challenge in High and Low Antibody Selection Lines of Chickens

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Ronald M. Lewis , Virginia Tech, Blacksuburg, VA
Paul B. Siegel , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Ilias Kyriazakis , Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Abstract Text: Pathogen exposure often causes a reduction in voluntary food intake or anorexia. The duration of anorexia depends on pathogen type and dose, and likely animal genotype. Chicks from two lines of White Leghorns, divergently selected for 37 generations for high (HAS) or low antibody response to sheep red blood cells, were challenged with two doses of E. maxima at 8 d post-hatch. We hypothesized that HAS chicks would express a greater magnitude of anorexia, but for shorter duration. At 6 d post-inoculation, jejunum lesions were moderate regardless of dose, and higher in HAS chicks. In both lines, weight gain and feed intake declined due to pathogenesis. Anorexia occurred later, and persisted less, in HAS chicks. Its magnitude was similar across lines, and dose independent. Our supposition of heightened immune-responsiveness to a pathogen from selection for high antibody titer appears doubtful.



antibody selection lines

genetic sensitivity
