AccurAssign, software for accurate maximum-likelihood parentage assignment
AccurAssign, software for accurate maximum-likelihood parentage assignment
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: Knowing pedigrees is essential for selection, conservation, and management of animal populations. AccurAssign is a software implementing the main principles of parentage assignment by maximum likelihood which has been developed and used at LABOGENA-DNA. As compared to the simple exclusion approach, AccurAssign exhibits several advantages, such as accounting for genotyping errors, ranking potential parents, and avoiding incorrect matching when the correct parents are not included in the dataset. The main features of the software are presented. Sensitivity and specificity are estimated for a simulated population genotyped with a varying number of SNP and with parents genotyped or not.
Keywords: Parentage assignment, Maximum likelihood, Software