Claw Lesions and Risk Factors in Spanish Dairy Cows

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
M. Ángeles Pérez-Cabal , University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Nouredine Charfeddine , CONAFE, Madrid, Spain
Abstract Text:

Risk factors associated with 4 claw lesions in the Spanish dairy cow population were studied. Data used included 78,051 records from 834 dairy herds. Odds ratios were calculated indicating the estimated risk of each lesion by fitting a generalized linear model using a probit link function. For sole ulcer, white line disease, and chronic laminitis later parities were more likely to suffer lesions, while the risk of dermatitis is higher in heifers. Probability of lesions was greater in herds with less than 200 cows, with free-stalls barns, in zones with high humidity and hot climates. Besides, the presence of a previous lesion predisposed cows to another one. The floor type recording must be reconsidered, in the way as it is now, in order to take into account interactions as well as where the different floors are placed in the farmhouse.


claw health

risk factors

dairy cattle