Using transcriptome-wide analysis of constitutive hepatic gene expression to identify genetic defects in porcine innate immunity
Using transcriptome-wide analysis of constitutive hepatic gene expression to identify genetic defects in porcine innate immunity
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: Infectious diseases remain a significant problem in the swine industry. Previously we identified genetic defects in expression of innate immune pattern recognition proteins involved in resistance of pigs to infectious disease. Here we used transcriptome-wide analysis of hepatic gene expression in pigs to identify similar gene defects affecting constitutive expression of other innate immune genes. Microarray analysis of gene expression was performed on liver from 96 healthy market pigs. Gene expression ratios (GERs) were determined as mean expression in highest expressing animals compared to mean expression in lowest expressing animals. The promoter regions of genes with large GERs and roles in innate immunity were sequenced and the frequency of identified defects in healthy and diseased pigs determined. These studies revealed several novel gene defects associated with common infectious pig diseases, and demonstrated that global gene expression is a useful screening approach for promoter polymorphism discovery.
Keywords: swine, disease resistance, genetics