Benefits of Interbeef international genetic evaluations for weaning weight

Tuesday, August 19, 2014: 5:45 PM
Bayshore Grand Ballroom B-C (The Westin Bayshore)
Eric Venot , INRA UMR 1313 GABI, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Thierry Pabiou , Irish Cattle Breeding Federation, Cork, Ireland
Eva Hjerpe , Interbull center, Uppsala, Sweden
Mohammad Nilforooshan , Interbull center, Uppsala, Sweden
Amandine Launay , Institut de l'Elevage, Paris, France
Brian Wickham , ConsultWickham, Clonakilty, Ireland
Abstract Text:

Since 2007, Interbull Centre has developed with the help of ICBF (Ireland) and INRA (France) the different tools to run Interbeef joint genetic evaluation of beef cattle. The first official run will take place in 2014 on Charolais and Limousine weaning weight. The 2013 test run results already give a first insight on the different benefits for the interbeef country member, mainly a large extension of breeding animal choice for the breeders and a general reliability increase.


beef cattle

international genetic evaluation

weaning weight