SNP Discovery in a QTL Region Associated With Breast Muscle Deposition on Chicken Chromosome 2

Friday, August 22, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Clarissa Boschiero , Department of Animal Science, University of São Paulo/ESALQ, Piracicaba, Brazil
Abstract Text:

Eighteen chickens of two experimental lines (broiler and layer) from EMBRAPA were sequenced with Illumina platform. SNPs were detected in a QTL region on chicken chromosome 2 (MCW0185-MCW0264) which was previously associated with breast muscle deposition. Initially, 722,832 SNPs were identified for the 18 chickens together, and 77% of SNPs were retained after filtration. Annotation was performed for the unique variants, and from exonic regions 357 SNPs were classified as synonymous, 153 as non-synonymous and 3 as stopgain. A total of 37 genes were analyzed, and three of them were related to muscle development (DTNA, RB1CC1 and C-MOS). We also detected 15 amino-acid changing SNPs which were predicted to be non-tolerated and those were harbored by eight genes. Those loss-of-function mutations, and the exonic variants present in genes related to muscle deposition can be considered candidate for further studies in chickens.


breast muscle
