Relative Economic Value for Merino Sheep in South Africa
Relative Economic Value for Merino Sheep in South Africa
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: The selection for improved production and reproduction can be maintained with the establishing of a selection index that is a combination of the production and reproduction traits and their respective economic contribution. The estimated breeding value for profit (R/SSU; Pebv) or relative economic value for Merino sheep is a useful selection tool for wool farmers to identify future breeding stock that will have a positive effect on the profitability of their farming enterprise. Breeders have the option to use one of two Pebv values that include or exclude reproduction. The objective of this study was therefore firstly to determine the economic contribution of the production and reproduction traits under different selection scenarios. Secondly, to validate the relative economic value, that is the current selection index prescribed by Merino SA as a selection aid for stud breeders and commercial farmers.
Relative Economic Value
Breeding Value for Profit