In-silico analysis of missense mutation of bovine RYR1 protein
In-silico analysis of missense mutation of bovine RYR1 protein
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: RYR1 is a calcium release bomb that is located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In domestic animals, several disorders of skeletal muscle are caused by numerous mutations, and they can alter meat quality, like R615C in pork. Protein sequences and missense mutations reported in bovine and porcine RYR1 were usеd in order to obtain the effect of these substitutions on normal function of the protein. The assessed physic-chemistry traits were electrostatic potential, isoelectric point, and surface structure in two wild models (bovine and porcine) and ninе mutated alleles. Several bovine alleles (827E, mainly) have an important alteration of electrostatic potential. This trait is also alterated in the 615C allele in pork. Alteration of electrostatic potential can modify interaction intra y/o inter-molecule.
Skeletal muscle
Electrostatic potential