Influence Of Specialisation On Connectedness And Genetic Parameters In Dutch Warmblood Riding Horses
Influence Of Specialisation On Connectedness And Genetic Parameters In Dutch Warmblood Riding Horses
Friday, August 22, 2014: 11:45 AM
Cypress Room (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: During the last decades, a process of specialisation into show jumping (JH) and dressage (DH) has been taking place in the Dutch Warmblood studbook (KWPN). The objectives of this paper were to describe the evolution of the connectedness between JH and DH over the last 15 years and to analyse the change in genetic parameters for some traits in JH and DH. The genetic connectedness between JH and DH, measured as stallions in common, genetic similarity and coefficient of relationship, has been weakening during this period. The specialisation process in JH and DH is expressed in lack of genetic connectedness and in lower genetic correlations between traits measured by JH and DH.
Keywords: genetic similarity, show-jumping horse, dressage horse