Changes in connectedness among herds and birth years of Duroc pigs in Korea
Changes in connectedness among herds and birth years of Duroc pigs in Korea
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: The aim of this study was to check degree of connectedness among Duroc genetic network member farms. This would be the required process to help make efficient genetic evaluation of the seedstock animals of participants. Nucleus AI centers hold 45 boars to share in the network member farms. And, member farms use semen from these nucleus AI centers to inseminate their own sows and gilts in at least 10% of total matings to make connection with the other member farms. Rate of connectedness was estimated by generalized inverting coefficient matrix of a generalized linear animal model, with herd-year of birth and sex as fixed effects and animal genetic value as random effect. Different degrees of connectedness were observed depending on the year of participation. To maintain connectedness consistently, keeping share of semen of network gene pool and mating design with testing progeny are necessary.