Establishing the Relationship Between Feed Efficiency and Maternal Traits in New Zealand Sheep

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Patricia L Johnson , AgResearch, Mosgiel, New Zealand
Abstract Text: The New Zealand sheep flock is increasingly located in hill country environments where feed quality and quantity can be sub-optimal.  Emphasis on feed efficiency in breeding objectives, therefore, has significant potential to improve the productivity and profitability of the NZ sheep flock. However, there is currently no data available on the genetic variability of feed efficiency in NZ maternal sheep breeds.  In addition, evidence from cattle studies suggests unfavourable genetic correlations between feed efficiency and reproductive traits.  Given the strong emphasis on reproductive traits in NZ maternal sheep breeds, if the same relationships exist in sheep, it may be detrimental to select for improved feed efficiency.  A facility is under development that will collect feed intake data and other production traits including maternal traits to develop an understanding of the genetics of feed efficiency and its correlation with key production traits in NZ maternal sheep breeds. 


feed efficiency

