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Appraisal of therapeutic efficacy of antibiotics and prostaglandin based protocol in Holstein cattle suffering from acute puerperal metritis (APM)
Data were analyzed using the SPSS.Independent sample t-test for parametric assumptions and Mann–Whitney test for nonparametric data were used for comparisons between groups. Fisher’s Exact and chi-square tests were performed to test the differences between groups of categorical data (p < 0.05).Continuous variables were indicated separately according to the groups as means ± SD. Vaginal discharge scores (VDS) for treatment (3.37±0.49, 2.37±0.93, 1.60±1.07, 0.37±0.67, 0.20±20) and control groups (1.40±1.13, 1.00±1.0, 0.27±0.64, 0.13±0.43) at different visit days (from V1 to V5) were calculated. Cervical and Uterine sizes (cm) for treatment and control groups cows at different visit days. On visit V1 and V2 cervical diameter was 8.26±1.20 and 6.43±0.85 with corresponding control group having 4.87±0.7.Uterine horn (UH) diameter was 13.42±2.32 vs. 12.51±1.03 in treatment and control group on V2 respectively.On Visit V5 uterine horn diameter was 5.76±0.61 in treatment groups as compared to 2.88±0.24 in positive control group.PMNs percentages on V2 were significantly higher in treatment group (48.17±10.07) as compared to control group (31.73±9.70).PMNs percentages on V2 were significantly higher in treatment group (48.17±10.07) as compared to control group (31.73±9.70).On V5 PMNs percentage was 4.10±5.74 in treatment group which was comparable with control one (4.67±6.17).First service conception rate was 40% and 43% in treatment and control group respectively.Pregnancy rate (87%) was comparable in treatment group with control one (90%) after overall inseminations.Results prove that systemic and intrauterine antibacterial therapy combined with prostaglandin has beneficial impact on reproductive performance in dairy cattle with APM.