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Maternal Nutrition during the First 50 Days of Gestation Alters Bovine Fetal Hepatic Metabolic Transcriptome
Maternal Nutrition during the First 50 Days of Gestation Alters Bovine Fetal Hepatic Metabolic Transcriptome
Tuesday, July 11, 2017: 2:00 PM
310 (Baltimore Convention Center)
We hypothesized that maternal nutrition during the first 50 d of gestation would alter the metabolic transcriptome of the bovine fetal liver. Fourteen beef heifers were estrus synchronized and assigned to 2 treatments at breeding (CON, 100% of requirements to gain 0.45kg/d; RES, 60% of CON). Heifers were ovariohysterectomized on d 50 of gestation and fetal livers were dissected, flash frozen, RNA extracted, and RNA-Sequencing conducted. Transcriptome analysis was run via the Tuxedo Suite and KEGG Pathways were analyzed with DAVID 6.8. A total of 548 genes (P < 0.01) were used for pathway analysis, of which 201 were false discovery rate protected (q < 0.10). Fetal hepatic metabolic KEGG pathways resulted in 45 genes that were differentially expressed and grouped by function: amino acid metabolism (n = 10), purine and pyrimidine metabolism (n = 7), carbohydrate metabolism (n = 10), reducing equivalent (NAD/FAD) metabolism (n =5), steroid and lipid biosynthesis (n = 9), cytochrome and heme metabolism (n = 2), and 2 remaining unrelated genes. Five genes involved in amino acid metabolism were upregulated in CON vs. RES fetal liver (Min = 1.73; Max = 2.46; Avg = 1.99-fold). Five genes involved in amino acid metabolism were upregulated in RES vs. CON (Min = 1.63; Max = 2.36; Avg = 1.85-fold). Genes involved in purine and pyrimidine metabolism were upregulated in RES vs. CON (Min = 1.72; Max = 2.50; Avg = 1.94-fold). Five genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism were upregulated in CON vs. RES (Min = 1.61; Max = 3.50; Avg = 2.08-fold). Five genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism were upregulated in RES vs. CON (Min = 1.69; Max = 2.13; Avg = 1.92-fold). Genes involved in reducing equivalent metabolism were upregulated in RES vs. CON (Min = 1.63; Max = 1.92; Avg = 1.74-fold). Eight genes involved in steroid and lipid biosynthetic pathways were upregulated in RES vs. CON (Min = 1.61; Max = 2.07; Avg = 1.82-fold), and 1 gene was upregulated in CON vs. RES (1.70-fold). The two genes involved in cytochrome and heme metabolism were upregulated in RES vs. CON (Min = 2.53; Max = 3.18; Avg = 2.9-fold). These data are interpreted to support our hypothesis that a moderate maternal nutrient restriction during the first 50 d of gestation ‘programs’ the bovine fetal hepatic metabolic transcriptome primarily reflected by upregulation in RES offspring. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.