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Evaluation of Phenotypic and Marketing Variables That Affect the Selling Prices of Braford Bulls Using Quantile Regression
Evaluation of Phenotypic and Marketing Variables That Affect the Selling Prices of Braford Bulls Using Quantile Regression
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Baltimore Convention Center)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of phenotypic characteristics and marketing factors in prices of Braford bulls using Quantile Regression (RQ). Data about the commercialization process of 1,540 bulls, in thirteen auctions in Rio Grande do Sul State/Brazil, in 2013, 2014 and 2015 were collected. Age (months), scrotal circumference (SC; cm), live weight (kg), frame scores (1 to 3), muscularity (1 to 3), body condition score (BCS; 1 to 5), foreskin size (1 to 3), and presence of horns (yes or no) were the phenotypic characteristics evaluated. The marketing factors of interest were auction, year, sale order, and time of permanence in the ring (seconds). The RQ was used to identify the profiles of bulls on quantiles 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th through EViews® software (version 9.5; Irvine, CA, USA). The price was negatively affected by age in all quantiles (P < 0.01), except for the 25th. In addition, the magnitude of age effect was greater in bulls in 75th and 90th. SC influenced the price positively from the 25th (P < 0.01). The heaviest bulls received higher prices (P < 0.01), independent of the quantile. Frame showed a negative impact of 5% in prices in 25th (P < 0.05) to each increase in the score unit. Alternatively, muscularity showed an increase of 6 to 7% in all quantiles (P < 0.05), except in the 90th. The BCS influenced the prices positively from 25th to 75th (P < 0.05); however, in the 50th the effect was 16.5% higher. Foreskin size showed an impact in the 75th (P < 0.05), with a reduction of 3.9% in the price to each increase in the score unit. Polled animals positively influenced the prices in all quantiles (P < 0.05). The majority of auctions influenced different quantiles. The year of 2014 influenced positively (25th to the 90th; P < 0.05), but 2015 negatively impacted the prices in all quantiles (P < 0.05). Sale order negatively impacted all quantiles (P < 0.01), with discount of 6% to 14% with the entrance of bull in the ring. The time of permanence in the ring negatively influenced prices in the 25th (P < 0.05), but influenced positively in the 90th (P < 0.01). We concluded that the variables and their impact on prices are different for each quantile, i.e. there are different profiles of bulls buyers.