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Effects of eCG Administration 4 Versus 2 Days Prior to Timed AI on Nellore Cows

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Baltimore Convention Center)
Guilherme H L Marquezini, Faculdade Marechal Rondon FARON, Vilhena,RO, Brazil
Geraldo F Santos Junior, Norte Genética, Vilhena,RO, Brazil
Rafael A Franco, Norte Genética, Vilhena,RO, Brazil
Rayan A Souza, Norte Genética, Vilhena,RO, Brazil
The objective of this study was to evaluate growth of the dominant follicle (DF) in multiparous Nellore cows treated with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) either 4 or 2 d prior to timed AI (TAI). We hypothesized that early eCG administration improves follicular growth and increase DF diameter at TAI. Cows (n=137) had their estrous cycle synchronized with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) and 2.0 mg of estradiol benzoate (d 0), 12.5 mg of PGF (d 7), CIDR withdrawal and 0.3 mg of estradiol cypionate (d 9), and TAI 48 h later (d 11). On d 7, ovaries were evaluated by ultrasonography and cows were blocked based on DF diameter (< 9 mm vs. ≥ 9 mm). Within block, cows were randomly assigned to receive 300 IU of eCG either on d 7 (eCGD7; n=64) or on d 9 (eCGD9; n=73). Diameter of the DF was evaluated by transrectal ultrasonography on d 7, 9, and 11. Follicular growth from d 7 to 9, 7 to 11, and 9 to 11 was analyzed by ANOVA using the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS. Follicular diameter was analyzed by ANOVA for repeated measures and cow was considered a random effect. Follicular growth from d 7 to 11 tended to be greater (P = 0.08) for eCGD7 compared with eCGD9 (4.9 ± 0.2 vs. 4.4 ± 0.2 mm). The overall effect of treatment was explained mostly by DF growth from d 7 to 9 (eCGD7 = 2.6 ± 0.2 vs. eCGD9 = 2.0 ± 0.2 mm; P < 0.01) as growth from d 9 to 11 did not differ (P = 0.44) between treatments (eCGD7 = 2.3 ± 0.2 vs. eCGD9 = 2.4 ± 0.1 mm). Follicular diameter was affected (P < 0.01) by the interaction between treatment and day. Whereas no difference was observed on d 7 (eCGD7 = 9.7 ± 0.2 vs. eCGD9 = 9.6 ± 0.2 mm), DF in eCGD7 cows was larger (P < 0.01) on d 9 (12.3 ± 0.2 vs. 11.5 ± 0.2 mm). In addition, DF on d 11 did not differ (P = 0.12) between treatments (eCGD7 = 14.5 ± 0.3 vs. eCGD9 = 14.0. ± 0.2 mm). Treatment with 300 IU of eCG 4 d prior to TAI improved follicular growth but did not increase overall mean of DF diameter at TAI compared with eCG administration 2 d before TAI in Nellore cows.