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Energy Requirements for Maintenance of Growing Korean Indigenous Goats (Capra hircus coreanae)
Energy Requirements for Maintenance of Growing Korean Indigenous Goats (Capra hircus coreanae)
Monday, July 10, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Baltimore Convention Center)
This study was conducted to determine the energy requirements for maintenance of growing Korean native goats (black goat: Capra hircus coreanae). The experiment had a replicated 5×5 Latin square design, using five growing wethers [24.13±2.55 kg body weight (BW)]. Each wethers was individually housed in a metabolic cage and first given 10 days for diet adaptation prior to 7 days of experimental measurements. The goats received timothy (12%), tall fescue (28%), cornflake (30%), concentrates (20%) and one of the following five energy level treatments that were based on recommended metabolizable energy for maintenance, Mem (NRC, 2007): MEm-7% (trial 1), MEm (trial 2), MEm+10% (trial 3), MEm+20% (trial 4), MEm+30% (trial 5). Intakes of dry matter were similar across all diets by restricting feed supply at 2% of BW for all wethers. Average daily gains (ADG) were -14.22, 3.06, 18.06, 31.62, and 37.16 g/day for each treatment. Higher maintenance energy intake (MEI) led to higher ADG. By simple regression analysis, the following equation was defined between ADG and MEI: Y(MEI)=0.2735X(ADG)+112.19. The findings indicate that the estimated maintenance energy requirement for growing black goats is 112.19 kcal/kgBW0.75. The estimated value of MEm can be further managed and improved with precision feeding system for black goats.