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Comparison of performance of finishing pigs fed diets containing different levels of distiller's dried grains with solubles
Comparison of performance of finishing pigs fed diets containing different levels of distiller's dried grains with solubles
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Baltimore Convention Center)
The present test was performed with the objective of determining the productive performance of pigs in finishing, using different percentages of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in the diet (10, 15, and 20%). Seventy-two pigs (78.01 ± 1.0 8 kg BW; Large White × Landrace × Large White × Pietrain) in groups of 6 were placed in 12 concrete floor pens (1.5 by 6 m). In a complete randomized experimental design, pigs received 1 of 4 diets similar in energy, CP, and lysine: 1) a diet with 12.97% CP and 3.30 Mcal of ME per kilogram, containing 85.0% corn, 12.2% soybean meal, 0.5% vegetable oil, and 2.3% premix (CONT); 2) a diet with 13.24% CP and 3.24 Mcal of ME per kilogram , with 79.2% corn, 10% DDGS, 8% soybean meal, 0.5% vegetable oil, 0.1% Lys, 0.1 calcium carbonate, and 2.1% premix (DDG10); 3) a diet with 13.3% CP and 3.21 Mcal of ME per kilogram, with 76.35% corn, 15% DDGS, 5.8% soybean meal, 0.5% vegetable oil, 0.15% Lys, 0.15 calcium carbonate, and 2.05% premix (DDG15); and 4) a diet with 13.46% CP and 3.19 Mcal of ME per kilogram, with 73.35% corn, 20% DDGS, 3.7% soybean meal, 0.5% vegetable oil, 0.20% Lys, 0.20 calcium carbonate, and 2.05% premix (DDG20). Pigs were weighed at d 0 and 35 of the experiment, and feed intake was recorded daily. Average daily gain and feed intake:gain ratio were calculated from these data. Body weight at d 35 was reduced (P = 0.01) in pigs fed the DDG20 diet, being 88.49 kg, and was 101.96, 102.53, and 100.49 kg for pigs fed the CONT, DDG10, and DDG20 diets, respectively. Average daily gain (0.685 kg for CONT, 0.739 kg for DDG10, 0.647 kg for DDG15, and 0.307 kg for DDG20) was also reduced (P = 0.01) by treatments containing DDG20. Feed intake (2.42, 2.56, 2.41, and 1.91 kg) was reduced in pigs fed DDG20 (P = 0.01). Feed:gain ratios (3.54 for CONT, 3.47 for DDG10, 3.74 for DDG15, and 6.24 for DDG20) were affected (P = 0.01) by these treatments. Given the results obtained, it is concluded that the 20% inclusion of DDGS in the diet of finishing pigs affects the productive performance of these animals.