This is a draft schedule. Presentation dates, times and locations may be subject to change.

Engaging the Public about Science- It Is Not about Science

Monday, July 10, 2017: 4:15 PM
308 (Baltimore Convention Center)
Kevin Folta, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
New technologies in genetic engineering and precision agriculture are poised to revolutionize food and farming. However, will we choose to regulate new technologies with expensive, arbitrary, or over-reaching barriers that will slow their translation to the field? We live in a time of rapid innovation, but application is slow. A significant driver is public sentiment, which skews demand and influences policy. Consumers are influenced by an internet replete with false or misleading information. Scientists and farmers are slow to enter the conversation, and when they do they are not typically effective with allaying the concerns of a public seeking answers and wondering who to trust. The goal of this seminar is to provide a new strategy for public interaction, based on the premise that facts hold no weight until you establish trust. We will discuss how to build trust, based on findings from social psychology. Finally, we'll discuss how to apply these principles to biotechnology, and present tips for content generation and network building using social media, with the goal of amplifying trusted messages.