Life cycle assessment of heavy pig production in a sample of Italian farms

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Exhibit Hall AB (Kansas City Convention Center)
Giacomo Pirlo , Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura, Cremona, Italy
Sara Carč , Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura, San Cesario s/P, Italy
Giacinto Della Casa , Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura, San Cesario s/P, Italy
Rosa Marchetti , Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura, San Cesario s/P, Italy
Gilda Ponzoni , Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura, San Cesario s/P, Italy
Valerio Faeti , Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura, San Cesario s/P, Italy
Valentina Fantin , ENEA, Bologna, Italy
Paolo Msoni , ENEA, Bologna, Italy
Patrizia Buttol , ENEA, Bologna, Italy
Francesca Falconi , LCA-Lab, Bologna, Italy
Abstract Text: The purpose of this study was to estimate the environmental impact of breeding and fattening of heavy pig used for Italian cured ham production. For this purpose, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was applied to two samples of 4 breeding farms and of 8 fattening farms. The functional unit was 1 kg of body weight of fattened pig. The system was subdivided into breeding and fattening phases. The following impact categories were analyzed: global warming (GW), abiotic resource depletion (AD), photochemical ozone formation (PO), acidification (AC), and eutrophication (EU). Reference units were kg of CO2eq for GW, kg of Sbeq for AD, kg of C2H4eq for PO, kg of SO2eq for AC, and kg of PO43-eq for EU. System boundaries included the following farm activities : (1) on-farm energy consumption (EC); (2) manure management (MM); (3) manure application (MA); (4) on -farm feed production (ONFP); (5) off-farm feed production (OFFP); (6) enteric fermentation (ENF); (7) transports (TR). Average final body weight was 167±5.2. LCA was performed with the support of SimaPro 7.3.3 software. The average environmental impacts associated with 1 kg of fattened pig body weight were: GW 3.43 kgCO2eq, AD 3.13 E-3 kg Sbeq, PO 1.78 E-3 kg C2H4eq, AC 5.37 E-2 kg SO2eq, EU 3.20 E-2 kg PO43-eq. Percentage contribution of breeding and fattening phases to GW, AC, PO, AC, and EU were: 30 and 70; 23 and 77; 31 and 69; 37and 63;30 and 70 respectively.

Normalization analysis showed that the major contributions to the environmental impact of 1 kg of fattened pig body weight come from GW, AC and EU, whereas AD and PO are negligible.

Keywords: heavy pig; life cycle assessment; sustainability