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Impact of corn or soybean in crops and lactating cow diets on estimated greenhouse gas emission from Wisconsin certified organic dairy farms
Impact of corn or soybean in crops and lactating cow diets on estimated greenhouse gas emission from Wisconsin certified organic dairy farms
Wednesday, July 20, 2016: 10:45 AM
151 E/F (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: This study used a partial life cycle assessment approach to estimate the impact of feeding strategies and associated cropping systems on greenhouse gases emission intensity (GHG-EI, kg CO2-eq/t energy corrected milk, ECM) from Wisconsin certified organic dairy farms. Gases and sources of emissions included in the study were: Nitrous oxide (N2O) from fields (row crop and pasture), enteric methane (CH4), and manure management (N2O and CH4). An earlier study had identified four clusters from a survey dataset of 69 organic dairy farms. In cluster 1, 2, 3, and 4 daily DMI of lactating dairy cows was 22.1, 15.2, 20.9, and 18.1 kg/d, amount of concentrate fed was 8.0, 2.0, 6.0, and 6.0 kg/d, time grazing on pasture was 39.2, 53.5, 38.6, and 47.7% of the year, and ECM was 6,657, 3,857, 7,666, and 5,495 kg/yr per cow, respectively. Three combinations of corn grain (CG) and soybean (SB) as concentrate (100%CG, 75%CG+25%SB, and 50%CG+50%SB) were assigned to each cluster to study the substitution effect of protein vs. energy supplementation. Overall, GHG-EI was 1,273 ± 235 kg CO2-eq/t ECM with contributions of 57.4, 34.1, and 8.5%, for enteric fermentation, manure management, and field emissions, respectively. There was a strong inverse relationship between level of production and GHG-EI, which averaged 1,209, 1,622, 996, and 1,264 kg CO2-eq/t ECM for cluster 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Grazing time was positively related with GHG-EI in part because longer grazing time was associated with lower ECM production and increased N2O emission from manure deposited on pasture during grazing. The GHG-EI was the greatest in Cluster 2 with 50%CG+50%SB and the lowest in Cluster 3 with 100%CG (1,635 vs. 983 kg CO2-eq/t ECM). The GHG-EI was predicted to increase with increasing SB in all four clusters and on average GHG-EI was 1,260, 1,273, and 1,285 kg CO2-eq/t ECM for 100%CG, 75%CG+25%SB, and 50%CG+50%SB, respectively. Planting soybean decreased N2O emission from cropland due to lower intensity of N fertilization and greater reliance on biological N-fixation compared with planting corn. Lowering CG for more SB in the diet reduced enteric CH4 emission (because of greater fat content in the latter) but increased N2O emission from manure (because of greater CP content of the latter). This study suggested that growing and feeding CG or SB might explain only a small fraction of the large differences in emission observed among clusters.
carbon footprint, organic dairy farms, LCA