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A different approach in pedagogical model: Flipped classrooms
A different approach in pedagogical model: Flipped classrooms
Wednesday, July 20, 2016: 10:35 AM
155 B (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: New data indicate that undergraduate students currently different from those 15 years ago, their needs are different and they are more immersed in technological tools. As technology advances educators should learn more how to use these resources and pedagogical methodologies to enhance and promote active learning. Flipped classroom is a new pedagogical method developed to use different resources to create an environment where students take responsibility for their own learning. The end goal of this approach is to personalize learning and promote a more solid learning meeting the educational expectations of the new generation of undergraduate students. The concept of blended learning within flipped classrooms involves student participation through online or outside-classroom delivery of content and instruction that allows students to have some control over their time, effort, location and pace of delivery while using the traditional method of face-to-face classroom participation. The role of instructors in the classroom changes with the flipped classroom methodology, the faculty member is no longer the sole source of knowledge and information, instead, the instructor is a facilitator for students that allows students to take responsibility for much of their learning and knowledge attainment. The flipped classroom allows increasing interaction and personalized content time between students and faculty, promotes critical thinking, increase constructivist learning, engaged students in the course, and provides and incentives students to prepare for class. The adoption of this pedagogical approach is slow and the courses have to be well designed and carefully planned to avoid student frustration and dissatisfaction with the course, however, there is no doubt that flipped classroom and/or blended learning approaches addresses students learning needs.
Keywords: flipped classroom, personalized learning