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Applying AAALAC international's peer review program to support agricultural research programs
Applying AAALAC international's peer review program to support agricultural research programs
Thursday, July 21, 2016: 11:15 AM
Grand Ballroom C (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: Agricultural animal research is arguably more important today than ever before. The challenge of providing food for world’s population in a sustainable, ethical manner is no small task. Public awareness regarding animal production is increasingly focused on humane treatment and methods while at the same time there is a significant lack of understanding about production animals, their needs and the best practices to rear and care for them. Institutions that engage in animal research and production must ensure that high standards of animal care and use are used both to meet expectations of society and to be ethical stewards of the animals with which we work. AAALAC International provides a third party, peer review of all facets of the animal care and use program that has proven to be an effective mechanism to ensure institutions meet the standards of the Ag Guide, undergo continuous improvement, and demonstrate institutional commitment to high standards of animal care and use. Data from 671 AAALAC site visits highlight the common challenges faced by animal care and use programs and provide information to aid those engaged in research animal program management. Findings data in each of the six main areas of the animal program will be provided: institutional commitment and resources; personnel expertise and training: husbandry and veterinary care; occupational health and safety; facilities; and effective oversight by the institutional animal care and use committee. An AAALAC review by peers who are experienced in agricultural animal research is collegial, confidential, and outcome-based. It is designed to help identify strengths and weaknesses of the program, with the aim of ensuring high quality scientific outcomes and a high level of animal welfare.
Keywords: AAALAC, review, welfare