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Temporarily decreasing progesterone after timed artificial insemination decreased expression of ISG15 in blood leukocytes, serum PSPB concentrations, and embryo size in lactating Holstein cows
Temporarily decreasing progesterone after timed artificial insemination decreased expression of ISG15 in blood leukocytes, serum PSPB concentrations, and embryo size in lactating Holstein cows
Wednesday, July 20, 2016: 10:45 AM
151 G (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: Our objective was to evaluate the effect of temporarily decreasing progesterone (P4) after timed artificial insemination (TAI) in dairy cows. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 80) were synchronized for first TAI using a Double-Ovsynch protocol, and were randomly assigned to receive 12.5 mg PGF2α (dinoprost tromethamine) 5 d after the last GnRH treatment (LowP4) or serve as untreated controls (HighP4). Blood samples were collected thrice weekly from 5 to 32 d after TAI for all cows and from 32 to 67 d for pregnant cows, and were analyzed for P4 and PSPB concentrations. Expression of interferon-tau stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) was assessed in blood leukocytes 18 and 20 d after TAI. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed weekly using ultrasound from 32 to 67 d after TAI, and embryo size (crown-rump length) was measured 32, 39, and 46 d after TAI. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression using the MIXED and GLIMMIX procedures of SAS. LowP4 cows had less (P < 0.01) P4 than HighP4 cows from 6 to 11 d after TAI, however, pregnancy outcomes 32 d after TAI [43% (17/40) for both treatments, P = 0.97] and pregnancy loss from 32 to 67 d after TAI [6% (1/17) vs. 6% (1/17) for LowP4 and HighP4, P = 0.84] did not differ between treatments. HighP4 cows diagnosed pregnant 32 d after TAI had greater (P < 0.05) expression of ISG15 20 d after TAI than LowP4 cows diagnosed pregnant 32 d after TAI (7.7 vs. 4.9 fold increase from d 4). Pregnant HighP4 cows had greater (P < 0.01) PSPB concentrations from 25 to 67 d after TAI than pregnant LowP4 cows. Embryo crown-rump length did not differ between treatments 32 and 39 d after TAI, but HighP4 cows had larger (P < 0.05) embryos 46 d after TAI (26.0 ± 1.0 vs. 23.5 ± 1.0 mm). We conclude that treatment with 12.5 mg of PGF2α 5 d after induction of ovulation temporarily decreased P4 concentrations from 6 to 11 d after TAI without inducing luteal regression. Decreasing P4 after TAI decreased expression of ISG15 in blood leukocytes 20 d after TAI, serum PSPB concentrations 25 to 67 d after TAI, and embryo size 46 d after TAI but did not affect P/AI in lactating Holstein cows. Supported by USDA NIFA Hatch project 1006519
Keywords: embryo; ISG15; progesterone; PSPB;