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Effects of supplementing olive pomace as a feed additive on weight gain in Capris aegagrus hircus
In the livestock industry, feed is one of the highest variables affecting the cost of production. A producer’s goal is to find a least cost feedstuff that is effective in meeting nutrient requirements of livestock, particularly during winter months. Olive pomace is a by-product of the olive oil industry and could be considered as a potential livestock feedstuff to be used as an energy supplement due to its high fat content (15%). The objective of our study was to determine if olive pomace could be used as an acceptable low cost feedstuff to maintain weight during the colder winter months. To accomplish this 28 Spanish influence goats were fed (2% of body weight, BW) varying amounts of fermented pomace with a protein pellet to meet maintenance requirements. The four test groups (n=7) consisted of a 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3 olive pomace to concentrate ratio (O:C) as well as a control containing no pomace. All groups received molasses at 0.5% BW to improve the palatability of the feed and to futher homogenize the ration to discourage selective eating of the mixture. Does were fed in herring bone style runs every morning for 49 days. The average daily gain (ADG) for the 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 and control groups were 0.0370, 0.0166, 0.0119, and 0.0262 kg/day, respectively with no difference detected between groups (P>0.88). The similar ADG across groups suggests that pomace can be an effective feed additive to reduce feed costs. A difference (P<0.01) in consumption rates was detected between treatments with the 3:1 group consuming more feed with an average of 0.785 kg/day compared to the control at 0.694 kg/day. Additionally, olive pomace may be consider as a cost effective supplement to reduce costs for maintenance rations. Using ANOVA, cost efficiency of the test groups were compared. Rations costs were calculated at $0.153/g for the 3:1 ration compared to $0.6386/kg for the pelleted control ration. On average, this difference in input cost can reduce a producer’s cost of feed by $13.53/hd over 49 day maintenance feeding period (P<0.01) by feeding olive pomace. While further research is needed to determine at the optimum levels of olive pomace feeding, it remains a viable alterative to high cost feedstuffs.
Keywords: Olive, Pommace, Goats