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Health, milk yield and milk quality records evaluated in 787 dairy herds before and during OmniGen-AF® supplementation to dry and lactating cows

Wednesday, July 20, 2016: 10:30 AM
155 E (Salt Palace Convention Center)
James D Chapman , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Scott S Bascom , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Lane O Ely , University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Glenn A Holub , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Jamie P Jarrett , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Jennifer S Lanier , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
David Kirk , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Dennis E Nuzback , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Angela D. Rowson , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Troy J Wistuba , Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Quincy, IL
Abstract Text:

 Health, milk yield and milk quality records representing 473,711 cows from 787 dairy herds from the US and Canada were collected to evaluate herd effects of feeding OmniGen-AF® (Phibro Animal Health Corp., Quincy, IL) to the entire herd. OmniGen-AF (OG) was fed at 56g/hd/d to all dry and lactating cows for a minimum of 90 days (Post-OG). Health and production metrics were compared to the previous 90 day period (Pre-OG).  Herds were enrolled in all months of the year (Jan-Mar, n=239; Apr-June, n=224; Jul-Sep, n=176; Oct-Dec, n=149) and herd size ranged from 31 to 9,046 cows. Health and production records were collected from DC305, DRMS and PCDART systems and the data were analyzed using paired t-test (SAS, Statistical Analysis System) comparing the Pre-OG to Post-OG health events and production. The data were analyzed for all herds (n=787) by herd size (≤100 hd, n=188; 101-500 hd, n=340; 501-1000 hd, n=120; ≥1001 hd, n=141). Monthly cases of mastitis, late term abortions, dead cows, and number of hospital cows/d, expressed as a % of total herd cows, differed (P<0.001) between the Pre- and Post-OG 90 day periods (-24.6%, -28.6%, -23% and -17.4%, respectively). Health event responses to feeding OG were observed to vary by herd size and Pre-OG SCC; however significant reductions in cases/mo. of mastitis, abortions, deaths and metritis were common in all herds regardless of size and SCC during the Pre-OG period. Herds were also stratified by Pre-OG SCC cells/ml (<200,000, n=309; 200,001-300,000, n=237; 300,001-400,000, n=146; ≥400,001, n=95).The average Pre-OG SCC across all herds was 275,753 cells/ml with 73% of herds reporting a reduction in SCC during the Post-OG period. Changes in SCC were proportional to the Pre-OG SCC level. Significant reductions (P<0.001) in SCC were observed in herds with Pre-OG SCC of 200,001-300,000 (-23,087), 300,001-400,000 (-57,850) and >400,001 (-128,465) cells/ml.  Milk production was reported by 532 herds with an average milk yield change from Pre-OG to Post-OG of +0.35 kg/hd/d (P<0.001). Maintaining good health is a key component to cow productivity and these data suggest that feeding OmniGen-AF along with sound nutrition and management practices for dry and lactating cows can influence health, milk yield and milk quality in commercial dairies.

Keywords: Health, SCC, OmniGen-AF