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Effects of supplementing a commercial blend of anaerobic probiotic bacteria, MBiotix™ Calf, on the growth and health of pre-weaned and immediately post-weaned Holstein calves

Wednesday, July 20, 2016: 2:45 PM
251 E (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Rachel E Hudson , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Yu Liang , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Tyler L. Harris , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Kate P Sharon , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Michael A Ballou , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Abstract Text: The objectives of these studies were to determine the effects of supplementing a blend of anaerobic bacteria on the growth and health of pre-weaned and immediately post-weaned Holstein calves. Holstein calves within 1 d of birth were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 dietary treatments (N=35). Treatments included a negative Control and MBiotix Calf (BTX) treatment, which was administered in the milk replacer and top-dressed on the starter during the pre-weaned and immediately post-weaned periods, respectively. The BTX treatment dose was 2x109 CFU/d of a proprietary blend of Lactobacillus casei and Enterococcus faecium strains; however, during the first 3 d of the study the BTX calves were given a 10X dose. The study was conducted in 3 periods (n = 20 Control and n=15 BTX). Calves were individually housed and fed between 250 and 350 g depending on the period of a 22% CP and 20% fat milk replacer twice daily at 0730 and 1630. Calves had ad libitum access to a calf starter and water. Calves were individually housed until they were weaned at 56 d when they were grouped by treatment for an additional 28 d. Peripheral blood samples were collected on d 0, 7, 21, 56, 70, and 84 and analyzed for hematology. Data were analyzed as a repeated measures ANOVA with treatment, time, and treatment x time as the fixed effects and period as a random effect. Calf nested within treatment was the subject of the repeated statement. Data are reported as Control vs. BTX, respectively. There was a treatment x time interaction (P = 0.001) on calf starter intake during the pre-weaned period, whereas BTX calves began to consume more starter during the 4th week of life, and the difference in starter intake was different (P0.05) during the 6th to 8th week of life. BTX calves were consuming more starter at weaning (1.065 vs. 1.305 ± 0.141 kg/d; P=0.025). Further, the BTX calves had greater ADG during the 84 d observation period (0.701 vs. 0.883 ± 0.079 kg/d; P = 0.016). There were no treatment or treatment x time effects on hematocrit percentage (34.3 vs. 35.9 ± 1.98%; P0.235). Further, there were no treatment or treatment x time effects (P0.178) on any hematological variable. These data indicated that supplementing MBiotix Calf improved calf starter intake and average daily gain during the pre-weaned and immediate post-weaned periods. Keywords: calf, health, nutrition, probiotic