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Comparison of Titanium® 5 PH-M versus Titanium® 5 plus NUPLURA® PH with the presence or absence of monensin on health and performance of newly received feedlot calves fed RAMP®
Comparison of Titanium® 5 PH-M versus Titanium® 5 plus NUPLURA® PH with the presence or absence of monensin on health and performance of newly received feedlot calves fed RAMP®
Saturday, July 23, 2016: 11:45 AM
155 D (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: Crossbred steers (n= 704; initial BW= 269; SD= 22 kg) were utilized in a randomized block designed experiment with a 2×2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors included vaccine type and the presence or absence of monensin (Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN) in the receiving diet. Vaccines were, Titanium® 5 PH-M (VacPH-M, Elanco Animal Health) or Titanium® 5 plus NUPLURA® PH (VacPH, Elanco Animal Health). VacPH-M is labeled to deliver effective immune response against bacteria (Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida) and viruses (BVD types 1 and 2, IBR, PI3 and BRSV). VacPH is labeled similar to VacPH-M excluding protection against Pasteurella multocida. All steers were fed RAMP® product (Cargill Corn Milling, Blair, NE) with monensin included at 0 or 27.6 mg/kg. Steers were weighed on d 1 to establish initial BW. Steers were assigned to pen based on processing order, with every fourth steer being assigned to one of four treatments. Once a pen replicate was filled, new pen replicates were started until all steers were assigned to 40 pens (10 pens per simple effect treatment). The receiving trial lasted 28 d. Ending BW was an average of 2 consecutive day weights collected after limit feeding for 5 d. There were no significant monensin × vaccine interactions (P > 0.27) observed for growth performance or morbidity. Vaccine treatments (VacPH-M or VacPH) did not affect DMI (P= 0.52), ADG (P= 0.95), or G: F (P= 0.79). Monensin level (0 or 27.6 mg/kg) did not affect DMI (P= 0.28), ADG (P= 0.94), or G: F (P= 0.65). The number of steers pulled and treated for bovine respiratory disease one or more times was not different (P= 0.17) for VacPH-M compared to VacPH. Furthermore, no difference (P= 0.34) was observed when comparing second pull rates between vaccine types. There was a tendency (P= 0.09) for steers fed 27.6 mg/kg of monensin to have a lower percentage of first and second pulls as compared to steers receiving 0 mg/kg of monensin. We concluded that neither vaccine type nor monensin concentration affected steer growth performance or morbidity rate for the first 28 d of receiving.
Keywords: Monensin, Receiving, Vaccine