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Management and dimensions of footbaths on California dairies
Lameness is a common disease found on dairies with important economic and animal welfare implications. Digital dermatitis is one of most common infectious causes of lameness. Footbaths (FB) are commonly used on California dairies to prevent infectious foot diseases. The objective of this study was to describe footbath dimensions and management practices on California. Twenty dairies located in the San Joaquin Valley of California were enrolled in the study. Herds ranged in size from 800 to 10,000 cows. The length, width and depth of FB was measured. Information on the chemical composition of FB solutions and the frequency that fresh FB solutions were added was obtained through interviews with hoof trimmers and dairy managers. Data collected was entered into spreadsheets for data analysis (Microsoft Office Excel; 2010). Dairies had 1 to 4 FB per dairy (total 39). One dairy applied disinfectant FB solution with front and rear jets. On four dairies pre-baths were placed < 30 cm from the FB. No information on frequency of FB use was obtained from one dairy. The frequency of new FB solution application was seven (n=2), five (n=6), four (n=4), three (n=5) or two (n=1) days a week. Cows walked through the FB once (n=12), twice (n=6) or thrice (n=1) a day. One dairy walked dry cows through a FB once a week. The maximum FB length was <1.5 (15%), 1.5 to < 2.5 m (57%), 2.5 to < 3 m (18%) or >3 m (10%). Width measures were < 1m (39%), 1 to < 2 m (20%) and ≥ 2 m (41%). FB solution depth averaged 10 cm (range: 5.4 to 15 cm). Volume of chemical solution in FB averaged 339 L (range: 109 to 1,095 L). Most FB (66%) contained between 150 to 500 L of solution. Disinfectant chemical solutions used on dairies were CuSO4 (n=3), ZnSO4 (n=2), or formaldehyde (n=3). However, some dairies combined CuSO4 and formaldehyde (n=9), CuSO4 and chlorine (n=1) or CuSO4 and glutaraldehyde (n=1). On average 921 cows (range: 185 to 2,000 cows) walked through a FB solution prior to adding fresh solution. Across dairies there was a wide variation on design, dimensions and management of FB. Further research is needed to establish the implications of various management practices and FB designs on hoof health.
Keywords: Lameness, Footbath, dairy cow