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Extension faculty navigating the tenure and promotion process

Friday, July 22, 2016: 4:00 PM
155 C (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Noelle E Cockett , Utah State University, Logan, UT
Abstract Text:

Decisions of tenure and promotion are a critical mechanism by which a university shapes its future. In addition, each tenure and promotion decision directly affects a faculty member’s future in academia. It is imperative that there is clarity in expectations for a faculty position as well as the availability of “best practices” so that a faculty member can be successful in achieving those expectations.  Utah State University has developed documents that articulate expectations for Extension faculty (the role statement) and a framework for success (the roadmap).  These documents are used not only by faculty members and their direct supervisors to set goals and review performance but also by others, such as the university’s central tenure and promotion committee, who are not familiar with the Extension specialist role.  The major areas of expectation for Extension faculty include programming and scholarship.  Expectations for programming include the identification of needs and issues that leads to the development of programs that disseminate information and address the issues.  Extension specialists should emphasize long-term programs with measurable outcomes and impacts and strong working relationships with Extension county agents. The value of Extension programs can be assessed by the number of participants or contacts and the resulting impacts such as change in behavior, dollars saved or dollars generated.  At Utah State University, specialists demonstrate scholarship through the dissemination of materials such as journal articles, fact sheets, web sites, curriculum materials and presentations and abstracts at professional meetings.  All materials should be peer reviewed. The value of scholarship can be determined using standard measurements such as journal impact factors, citations, invitations for presentations or participation on working groups and recognition through awards.  However, the value of Extension scholarship can also be measured by the uptake or adoption by Extension peers.  At USU, Extension specialists are tenured within the academic college whereas Extension county agents are tenured within USU Extension.  While the USU Vice President for Extension does not have direct authority over the decisions of tenure and promotion for Extension specialists, there are annual performance review meeting that include the Extension administration, the department head and the academic dean.  This review provides the academic administration with insight on the performance of the specialists in his or her Extension assignment.  A single letter is returned to the faculty member so as to avoid mixed messages on performance.  


Extension, Faculty, Tenure, Promotion, Expectations