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WS Effects of dietary phytoestrogens on testicular growth and semen quality characteristics in developing Angus bulls
WS Effects of dietary phytoestrogens on testicular growth and semen quality characteristics in developing Angus bulls
Thursday, July 21, 2016: 2:45 PM
151 E/F (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: This study investigated the impact of scrotal growth and semen quality parameters of bulls consuming dietary phytoestrogens versus bulls that are not exposed to phytoestrogen-containing diet ingredients. Angus bulls born in consecutive years were used in 2 independent trials. Bulls born in the spring of 2014 (n = 39) and 2015 (n = 24) were stratified by weaning weight, age of dam (AOD), and sire into a soybean meal diet group (SBMTRT) or a cottonseed meal diet group (CSMCON). At weaning (d -42), bulls were assigned to treatment and adapted to concentrate diets. At d 0, 21, 54, and 86 scrotal circumference measures were collected with semen collection and assessment also being conducted at d 86. Differences in scrotal circumference were detected due to the diet × day (year) interaction. On d 54 and 86, SBMTRT in 2014 exhibited larger scrotal measures than SBMTRT in 2015 (P ≤ 0.05). At d 54, SBMTRT scrotal measures were also greater than the CSMCON scrotal measures in 2015 (P = 0.05). Scrotal growth from d 0 to 21 was greater for SBMTRT across both years (P < 0.0001). This pattern of larger teste growth was also observed from d 54 to d 86 (P = 0.05), and from d 0 through d 86 (P < 0.0001). Variation in semen concentration was due to the diet × AOD (year) interaction. The SBMTRT, produced from 2-year old females, expelled higher concentrated semen samples in 2014 (P = 0.026) and 2015 (P = 0.0006), and this was inconsistent with the 2015 CSMCON out of 5+ year old cows who were higher for semen concentration (P < 0.0001). The diet × AOD(year) interaction was also a source of variation for motility. The 2014 bulls from 2 and 5+ year old cows ranked higher than the CSMCON cohorts of like aged cows (P < .0001). This trend was not evident in 2015 however, as the CSMCON mean was greater than the SBMTRT from 3 year old cows only (P = 0.0129). Variation from the effect of diet for motility was also observed as well, as SBMTRT scored higher than CSMCON (P= 0.0308). These data suggest that dietary phytoestrogens at 10% soybean meal diet inclusion improves scrotal growth and semen quality and this is particularly evident in bulls produced by 2-year old, first calf females.
Keywords: bull development, phytoestrogen, semen quality