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Cracking the code: Making complex information understandable
Cracking the code: Making complex information understandable
Wednesday, July 20, 2016: 3:30 PM
Grand Ballroom J (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Abstract Text: Consumer beliefs do not always align with the scientific consensus. Consumers may not accept an idea even though science says it is true. Consumers do not fully understand the science that individuals in animal agriculture find so simple. Our challenge is to find better ways to bridge the communication gap by using shared values to earn consumer trust. In partnership with Iowa State University, CFI was the first to build a research-based consumer trust model. Our peer-reviewed and published model for building consumer trust in today’s food system shows that shared values are more important than skills and technical expertise in building consumer trust. The social decision-making process is complex. Building trust is step one. Explaining the complex scientific concepts around animal agriculture is step two. The ability to break down existing communication barriers is critical to fostering informed decision making that leads to consumer confidence.
Keywords: consumers, complex, communication, food