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Tim A. McAllister

Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, AAFC, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Lethbridge, AB

449 The microbiome and animal health 456 Ensiling barley varieties selected for varied levels of in vitro NDF degradability 457 Characterization of the variation in the daily excretion of faecal constituents and digestibility predictions in beef cattle fed feedlot diets using near infrared spectroscopy 459 Effect of digestible fiber content of barley silage on lactation performance and chewing activity of lactating dairy cows in comparison with corn silage 467 Nutritional evaluation of barley varieties grown for silage 470 The effect of sorting wheat or barley, based on the predicted CP of individual seeds, on physical characteristics and in vitro dry matter digestibility 474 Comparison of digestion and particle-associated bacteria after in situ incubation of different barley varieties in the rumen of cattle 495 Genomic approaches to characterizing and reducing antimicrobial resistance in beef cattle production systems 1205 Estimating farm-gate ammonia emissions from Canadian beef production in 1981 as compared with 2011 1306 Feeding steers extruded flaxseed and hay in a total mixed ration or sequentially can have substantial effects on beef fat polyunsaturated fatty acids and biohydrogenation intermediates 1606 Enrichment of cattle rumen with bison rumen contents improves N digestion