Influence of storage bin design on flowability of DDGS-based pig diets
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of feed bin design and passive agitator use on flowability of feed containing 40% dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS). The experiments used six bins of 3 different styles (2 bins per style) all equipped with round discharge cones. Bin styles included: a galvanized steel, seamless bin with a 60 degree cone (Steel60; Dealers Livestock, Glenwood, MN), a galvanized, corrugated steel bin with a 67 degree cone (Steel67; PigTek, Milford, IN), and a white, poly bin with a 60 degree cone (Poly60; Prairie Pride, Winnipeg, MB). At the beginning of both experiments, about 2,700 kg of a 40% DDGS commercial finishing diet (particle size of 736 to 1,015 microns) were delivered to each bin. Laboratory measures for angle of repose (range = 49 to 70 degrees), packed bulk density (range = 678 to 707 kg/m3), and compressibility (range = 20.9 to 24.4%) of experimental feed indicated probable reduced flowability under commercial conditions. In experiment 1, the rate of feed flow from each bin was assessed on d 3, 7 and 21 post-feed delivery using the time required for all feed to flow from the open slide at the bottom of the cone. Feed flow rate from Poly60 (736.8 kg/min) was faster (P < 0.05; SE = 141.1) than Steel60 (602.9 kg/min) with Steel67 intermediate (663.3 kg/min). In experiment 2, passive feed flow agitators (Sure Flo Agitator, Farmer Boy Ag Supply, Myerstown, PA) were installed in one bin of each style (3 bins contained agitators and 3 did not). Feed flow was evaluated on d 2, 3, 6, 7, 20, and 21 after feed delivery. Feed flow rate from Poly60 (900.7 kg/min) was greater (P < 0.05: SE = 183.8) than flow from either Steel60 (826.7 kg/min) or Steel67 (843.8 kg/min). Inclusion of the passive agitator increased feed flow in Poly60 (P < 0.05; SE = 184.0; 970.0 vs. 831.4 kg/min), and tended to improve feed flow in Steel67 (P< 0.07; 880.2 vs. 807.4 kg/min) but had no effect in Steel60 (826.8 vs. 826.7 kg/min). Results indicate that feed bin design can influence flowability of feed containing 40% DDGS. Of the bins tested, Poly60 produced the highest flow rate of feed once feed flow was established. Installation of passive agitators appeared to improve feed flow in some, but not all bin styles.
Keywords: DDGS, feed bin, flowability, passive agitator