Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage and MDGS in Finishing Diets
In periods of high priced corn, corn silage may be an economical alternative in combination with distillers grains in finishing diets. A finishing experiment evaluated the substitution of corn with corn silage and modified distillers grains with solubles (MDGS). Steers (n = 225; BW = 348 ± 27 kg) were separated into three BW blocks and assigned randomly to one of 25 pens (9 steers/pen). Dietary treatments were arranged as a 2 X 2 + 1 factorial with factors including corn silage (15 or 45%) and MDGS (20 or 40%) inclusion plus a control diet with 40% MDGS and 5% cornstalks. Elevated levels of corn silage and MDGS replaced a 1:1 blend of dry-rolled corn and high-moisture corn. Steers were on feed for 133 or 147 d depending on BW block. Performance measures were calculated from HCW adjusted to a common dressing percentage (63%). Marbling score, 12th rib fat thickness, and LM area were recorded after a 48-hr chill. There were no interactions between corn silage and MDGS inclusion (P > 0.12). As corn silage was increased, DMI increased (P = 0.08) and ADG decreased (P = 0.01) equating to a 5.0% decrease in G:F (0.171 vs. 0.180; P < 0.01). As corn silage inclusion increased, final BW, live final BW, and HCW were decreased (P < 0.03), with no effect on dressing percentage (P = 0.52). There was no difference in DMI (P = 0.86) for cattle fed either 20 or 40% MDGS in corn silage diets. There were improvements in ADG (P = 0.06) and G:F (0.178 vs. 0.174; P = 0.09) for cattle fed 40% MDGS compared to 20% MDGS in corn silage diets. Cattle fed the control diet had similar DMI and ADG to all other treatments (P > 0.11). Cattle fed 15% corn silage and 40% MDGS had superior G:F to cattle fed the control diet (P < 0.01); however cattle fed the control diet had similar G:F compared to all other treatments (P > 0.16). In general, increasing corn silage in place of corn in finishing diets containing distillers grains results in a modest reduction in performance, and replacing corn with MDGS in corn silage diets results in improvements in feedlot performance.
Keywords: corn silage, cattle, distillers grains