John F. Patience

Iowa State University
Ames, IA

82 PRRSv reduces feed efficiency and tissue accretion rates in grow-finisher pigs 95 Effects of in utero heat stress and core body temperature on tissue accretion during the growing phase (30 to 60 kg) in pigs 110 Gene expression profiling of longissimus dorsi and adipose tissue in pigs with differing post-weaning growth rate 117 Comparison of the lysine requirement of immunologically versus physically castrated male pigs 119 Prediction of loin, belly and jowl IV based on diet composition versus daily fatty acid intake 124 In utero heat stress alters body composition during the early finishing phase (60 to 80 kg) in pigs 142 Determination of the impact of housing system on the determination of apparent total tract digestibility of energy and dry matter 156 Corn grown under drought-stressed conditions does not have lower energy content than corn grown in a previous �normal� year 173 Identifying dietary fiber components that best predict nutrient digestibility and energy content in 9 corn co-products fed to growing pigs 176 Digestibility of energy and nitrogen retention of diets with increasing proportions of co-product ingredients and formulated using the NE system 276 Factors Associated with Digestibility in Nursery Pigs under PRRS Infection 277 Effect of Low Energy, High Fiber Diets on Divergent Residual Feed Intake Lines in Swine 311 Pork quality characteristics of loins from pigs divergently selected for residual feed intake on high or low energy diets 333 Characterizing the feed intake pattern of immunologically castrated male pigs following administration of the second anti-GnRF injection