Litter of origin effects on gilt development in a commercial setting
The preweaning litter environment of gilts can affect subsequent development. In a recent experiment designed to test the effects of dietary ME and lysine on gilt development, individual birth weights, immunocrits (related to colostrum intake), sow parity, number weaned, individual weaning weights and litter weaning weights were collected for gilts destined for the experiment (n=1010). Body weight, loin eye area and back fat were measured at d100 of age and at 28-day intervals until slaughter (d260). From d160 to slaughter, gilts were observed daily for estrus. At slaughter, the reproductive tract and one mammary gland were recovered. The reproductive tract was classified as cyclic or prepubertal and the number of corpora lutea was counted. Uterine horn lengths and ovarian dimensions were measured. Mammary gland tissue was assayed for protein and fat using proximate analysis. Day of the estrous cycle at slaughter was calculated using the day of first standing estrus (d0) recorded within 23 days previous to slaughter. Each gilt development trait was analyzed for association with each litter of origin trait, after adjusting for effects of dietary treatments. Uterine length, mammary gland protein and fat were also adjusted for day of the cycle at slaughter. Results indicated that body growth (d100 to d240) was positively associated with immunocrit (P<0.01), birth weight (P<0.01) and preweaning ADG (P<0.01). Loin eye area growth was positively associated with birth weight (P<0.01) and preweaning ADG (P<0.05). Back fat growth was positively associated with immunocrit (P<0.01), birth weight (P=0.01) and preweaning ADG (P<0.01). Age at puberty was positively associated with number of piglets weaned (P=0.098), birth weight (P<0.01), and weight of the litter at weaning (P=0.098) and negatively associated with preweaning ADG (P<0.01). Total uterine length was positively associated with immunocrit (P=0.0572). Ovary length (P<0.05) and width (P=0.082) were associated with sow parity. Prepubertal at slaughter was positively associated with immunocrit (P<0.01) and sow parity (P<0.01). Mammary gland protein was negatively associated with weaning litter weight (P=0.066) and preweaning ADG (P<0.01). Mammary gland fat was positively associated with weaning litter weight (P=0.093) and number of piglets weaned (P>0.05). All other associations between litter of origin and gilt development traits were not significant. These results indicate that colostrum, birth weights and preweaning growth are associated with gilt development traits during later life.
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Keywords: Uterus, Puberty, Preweaning