Maria C Walsh
Danisco Animal Nutrition, DuPont Industrial Biosciences
Marlborough, UK
United Kingdom
Effects of Fiber, a Direct-Fed Microbial, and Feeding Duration on Ileal and Total Tract Digestibility of Energy and Nutrients by Pigs
Effect of a 3-Strain Bacillus-Based Direct-Fed Microbial on Relative Tissue Gene Expression in Nursery and Finishing Pigs Fed Low- or High-Fiber Diets
Xylanase solubilization of corn and wheat arabinoxylans in mixed growing pig diets subjected to upper gut in-vitro digestion and in ileal digesta
Xylanase Responses on Apparent Ileal Digestibility of Nutrients, Fibre and Energy in Growing Pigs Fed Corn, 30% Corn Co-Products and Soybean Meal Based Diets as Influenced by Microbial Phytase and Acclimatization Period
Effects of xylanase on growth performance and digestibility of fiber and energy in growing pigs fed corn, corn DDGS and soybean meal based diet supplemented with phytase
Dietary D-xylose effects on growth performance and portal-drained viscera nutrient fluxes, insulin production, and oxygen consumption in growing pigs