What Does Growth Mean for the Swine Industry: Economics and Exports

Monday, March 13, 2017: 9:05 AM
Grand Ballroom South (Century Link Center)
Steve Malakowsky , AgStar Financial Services, Mankato, MN
With the U.S industry exporting between 24 – 25 percent of all pork produced, what impact will the anticipated growth of 5 to 8 percent over the next two years? Swine Expert at AgStar Financial Services, Steve Malakowsky, will present potential risks to exports including a new U.S Presidency the effect on trade deals such as NAFTA and TPP. He will also take time to present a unique data base model that includes approximately 20 percent of the U.S industry. This data includes all companies that utilize GAAP accounting principles and compares performance of the group to the Iowa State Model (that assumes selling a hog, buying corn and meal every day with no marketing decisions involved).