Imputation Accuracy using FImpute and BEAGLE Software in Brazilian Synthetic Cattle Breed
Imputation Accuracy using FImpute and BEAGLE Software in Brazilian Synthetic Cattle Breed
Monday, August 18, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: Genotype imputation was implemented using the software BEAGLE and FImpute in 395 animals from Brazilian synthetic beef cattle genotyped with high-density panel. Imputation accuracy from using different reference and target sets of animals was evaluated. After masking SNPs from the Illumina BovineHD SNP panel, 5 sets of low-density panels were created (9K, 20K, 50K, 80K, and 90K). Genotype concordance rate ranged from 73% to 97% (FImpute) and 64% to 96% (BEAGLE). Allelic R square ranged from 0.54 to 0.96 and 0.40 to 0.94 using FImpute and BEAGLE, respectively. Higher imputation accuracies were obtained when the LD panels were composed of 80K and 90K SNP. FImputeoutperformed BEAGLE in all scenarios with an average increase in accuracy of 3% and reduced run time by 20 to 90 times.
Composite breed
Low-density panels