Selection Signatures in Canchim Beef Cattle
Selection Signatures in Canchim Beef Cattle
Monday, August 18, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: Selection signature (SS) was assessed in this study by means of the integrated haplotype score (iHS) method, which determines the decay of homozygosity in the surroundings of a core single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker. Canchim breed animals were genotyped using the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip; which has almost 800 thousand SNP markers. Genotype quality control (QC) was applied to exclude SNP with genotype calling score lower than 0.20; SNP with minor allele frequency lower than 0.01; and call rate for SNP and samples which were lower than 0.95 and 0.90, respectively. Only autosomal SNPs with known genome position were used. After the QC, 687,655 SNPs and 396 samples remained for SS analysis. Signals of SS were detected on chromosomes 5, 6, 8, and 14, indicating that these regions are conserved through recent generations.
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