Detection of QTL Influencing Egg Quality Traits in Layers Receiving Various Diets
Taking advantage of the 600K Affymetrix® Axiom® HD genotyping array, the aim of this study is to detect QTL influencing egg quality traits in layers. A population of 438 sires from a pure line was genotyped. Their 31,381 F1 crossbred daughters were phenotyped for egg quality traits at 50 and 70 weeks of age. Moreover, to observe the putative existence of QTL by environment interactions, these layers were divided into 2 groups, fed with two different diets. The egg shell color and its components (redness, yellowness, lightness), the egg shell strength, stiffness and shape, the short length of egg and the egg weight were recorded. GWAS analyses have been showed 13,547 SNP with a significant (1% chromosome wide level) association with at least one egg quality trait. Thus, QTL have been detected and genotype by environment interactions have been observed.
laying hens