Genetic and Phenotypic Correlation between Gestation Period and Growth Traits Pre and Post Weaning
Genetic and Phenotypic Correlation between Gestation Period and Growth Traits Pre and Post Weaning
Monday, August 18, 2014
Posters (The Westin Bayshore)
Abstract Text: The objectives in this study were to estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations among gestation length as calf trait (GL), birth weight (BW), weight at 120 (W120), weight 210 (W210), weight at 365 (W365), weight at 450 days (W450) in animals Nelore breed participating in a cattle breeding program in Brazil. Estimation of genetic parameters was performed using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (REML) for animal models, using the WOMBAT software. Genetic and phenotypic associations were 0.15 and 0.17 between GLcalf and BW, which would bring favorable results for the system creates by reducing the period of gestation. GLcalf already correlations between age and the other were positive and low magnitude, which does not promote significant changes in the different weights. Therefore the reduction of the gestation length as calf trait can be included as selection criterion for Nelore cattle.
correlations genetics
genetic associations
selection in beef cattle