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Effect of Lactobacillus Buchneri Isolated from Tropical Corn Silage on Fermentation and Aerobic Stability of Sugarcane Silage
Effect of Lactobacillus Buchneri Isolated from Tropical Corn Silage on Fermentation and Aerobic Stability of Sugarcane Silage
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Baltimore Convention Center)
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the Lactobacillus buchneri strains isolated from tropical whole-plant corn silage for use as silage inoculant in sugarcane. Sugar cane plants (approximately 16 months old) were harvested and chopped to 25 mm. The isolated strains 56.1, 56.4, 56.9, 56.26, and the commercial inoculant “Lalsil Cana” (L. buchneri NCIMB 40788) were evaluated. For all the treatments, the theoretical application rate was 1.0 × 106 colony forming unit (cfu) g-1 of fresh weight. Approximately 7 kg of treated material were conditioned in plastic buckets (mini-silos;25 cm × 25 cm) sealed with tight lids. The mini-silos were opened after 90 days of storage. The variance analysis and multiple comparisons of data were performed by PROC MIXED procedures SAS, and means were separated by Tukey’s test (P ≤ 0.05). The silages inoculated with the isolated strains 56.1 and 56.4, and the commercial strain 40788 showed the highest DM content (P = 0.004). Silages inoculated with the isolated strains 56.1 and 56.9, and the commercial strain 40788 showed the lower yeast and mold populations than the control silage (P = 0.024). Regarding the ethanol concentration, the inoculated silages with the strains 56.1, 56.4, and 40788 showed lower values than the inoculated silages with the strains 56.9 and 56.26, while the control silage showed intermediate values (P = 0.016). In addition, the lower DM losses were observed for the isolated strains 56.1, 56.4, and the commercial strain 40788 in comparison with the control silage (P < 0.001). However, there was no effect of the inoculation with the strains of L. buchnerion the aerobic stability (P = 0.524). Even so, the strains 56.1 and 56.4 are promising for use as an inoculant in sugarcane silages.
Supported by Fapemig, CNPq CAPES, and INCT-CA