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Effects of Carbohydrase on Productive Performance and White Blood Cells of Lactating Sows
Effects of Carbohydrase on Productive Performance and White Blood Cells of Lactating Sows
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Baltimore Convention Center)
The present study was conducted to evaluate effects of multigrain carbohydrases (DSM Nutrition Korea Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea) on productive performance and white blood cells of lactating sows. A total of 12 sows (218.37 ± 5.5 kg BW; 2 parity) were randomly assigned to 2 dietary treatments: a diet based on corn-soybean meal (CON) and CON supplemented with 0.01% multigrain carbohydrase (MCS). The MCS contained xylanase (2,700 units/g), glucanase (700 units/g), and cellulase (800 units/g). Sows were fed the dietary treatments for 28 days (weaning) after farrowing. Blood samples were collected from sows on d 0, 3, and 7 after farrowing and randomly selected 2 nursing piglets in each sow on d 3, 7, and 14 after birth. Measurements were performances and number of white blood cells (WBC) of sows and litter by an automated hematology analyzer calibrated for porcine blood and frequency of diarrhea of litter. Data were analyzed using the PROC GLM procedure of SAS. The statistical model for every measurement except frequency of diarrhea included dietary effect and parity as a covariate. The chi-squared test was used for the frequency of diarrhea. Sows fed MCS had less body weight change during lactation (-7.85 vs. -15.47 kg; P < 0.05) than those fed CON, but ADFI and backfat depth change of sows was not different between CON and MCS. Nursing piglets from sows fed MCS had greater ADG during lactation (210.91 vs. 183.49 g/d; P < 0.05) than those from sows fed CON. However, no differences were found on pre-weaning mortality and frequency of diarrhea of nursing piglets from sows fed either CON or MCS. Sows fed MCS had lower WBC on d 3 after farrowing (11.36 vs. 13.70 103/µL; P < 0.05) than those fed CON. Moreover, nursing piglets from sows fed MCS had lower WBC on d 7 after birth (13.22 vs. 17.77 103/µL; P < 0.05) than those from sows fed CON. In conclusion, addition of multigrain carbohydrase in the lactation diet decreased body weight change of sows and increased ADG of their litter.